Emotional Intelligence Training in Dubai, UAE

Nowadays, many companies are considering Emotional Intelligence (EI) also known as the Emotional Quotient (EQ) as a vital part of the hiring process. The best employers are pursuing 24A Plus for emotional training as a part of their overall employee development initiative. For the most effective emotional intelligence training in Abu Dhabi, contact 24A Plus. Our training builds and nurtures this skill and hence, so many brands are investing with us. According to the definition of emotional intelligence, it is an ability to recognize, manage and explore emotions in a healthy manner. Of course, a few of the people exhibit the emotional intelligence naturally, many others look for an external help to develop it. And thus, emotional intelligence training from 24A Plus is an integral and vital part of many company’s learning and development programs. We know that it is easy to see the value of technical skills and business acuity. However, now most of the employers have added this trait and begun to view it as the desirable quality for their employees. When a team is built with the members having high level of emotional intelligence, every single employee performs better and overall, the company is benefitted. Now you may also join the long list of employers who are investing with us in emotional intelligence training to their staff.

If you still wonder, whether this is a worthwhile pursuit for your company, check out below given advantages. It reduces work place stress, helps the employees move to the next level, improves communication skills, betters social skills, teaches employees how to react to constructive criticism, improves employees tolerance power, creates a positive environment in the office, fosters better leadership, helps employees to deal with the change, betters the cohesiveness among the employees, increases the sense of accountability and importantly, improves client service quality. It also helps developing the skills and characteristics that the employer wants to see in a team leader. Our proper training could transform a few of your employees as the future leaders. One of the most undeniable benefits of intelligence training is that the teams learn to work well under stresss conditions.

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